

“Don’t Be Donny” Release Celebration with Jackson Boomershine, October 12th, 1 - 3 p.m.

Donny is the biggest bully in school and makes all the wrong decisions. Very often, those decisions backfire on him. But if there is one good thing about Donny it's that you can learn from his mistakes, and laugh while doing it.

Jackson Boomershine is a first-time author, illustrator and cartoonist. He brings his unique style of humor to the written page to create a humorous and educational story for all ages.

This event is free, open to the public and all ages appropriate. PLEASE join us, and please feel free to share (especially if you love our freedoms and preserving democracy)!

CLICK HERE TO ORDER!!! The Harris-Walz Meow More Than Ever Bumper Stickers

CLICK HERE TO ORDER!!! The Harris-Walz Meow More Than Ever Bumper Stickers

Are You My Super Hero? Oh My, Yes! - Join Us -  ages 5 to 217 years old.

Are You My Super Hero? Oh My, Yes! - Join Us - ages 5 to 217 years old.